upcoming Events

28 March 2023: Inclusive Environments & Navigating Power Imbalances in Arctic Fieldwork
The first event in the Polar Science Early Career Community Office (PSECCO)’s 2023 Arctic Event Series has been released.
This will be a panel discussion on how to build an inclusive fieldwork environment and equip yourself for navigating potential power imbalances prior to heading to the Arctic this summer. Learn from an array of panelists who have ‘been there, done that’ and learned a lot along the way about what contributes to a positive fieldwork experience, and how to work towards that prior to stepping foot in the Arctic.
Go to the event website or directly to the ticket counter and see you there!
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2023: Arctic Science Summit Week (ASSW)
The Arctic Science Summit Week hosted an exhibition of 15 of our 100 Polar Women in Austria 17-24 February 2023.
The Arctic Science Summit Week (ASSW) is organized annually by the International Arctic Science Committee to provide opportunities for coordination, cooperation and collaboration between the various scientific organizations involved in Arctic research.
During the Summit Week, we featured 15 stories from our first year of #100polarWomen and exhibited them. Thank you to the organizers!
You can visit the ASSW website HERE.

2021: Highlight your research, experience, & stories in the Breaking the Ice Ceiling polar women researchers series
In 2021, a coalition of organizations including The Arctic Institute, Women in Polar Science, and Women of the Arctic are organizing a webinar series, Breaking the Ice Ceiling. Indicate your interest in this form if you would like to present, and the organizers will reach out.
The series aims to:
- Illuminate polar research and achievements (past and present) by those who identify as women and those who were designated female but self-identify differently across all races and ethnicities to uncover lesser-known stories of women in polar science, historical and contemporary;
- Foster discussion on systemic change in polar sciences (Indigenous, natural, and social sciences) to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion;
- Weave connections and collaborations between many roles in a social change ecosystem in order to develop tools and methods to reach new audiences and inspire the next generation of women polar knowledge holders, researchers, and scientists; and
- Create a space that values and incorporates Indigenous women’s oral histories and traditional knowledge as a fundamental component of scientific research.
Past Events
Breaking the Ice Ceiling: International Day of Women and Girls in Science (February)
The International Day of Women and Girls in Science is marked on 11 February to improve access for women to technology, science education and technical training and to strengthen the position of female scientists and technologists. In celebration of the International day of Women and Girls in Science, WMO is publishing an interview with four remarkable pioneers who broke through both the glass and the ice ceiling. Read more at Breaking the Ice Ceiling.
Gendered field work conditions, epistemologies and legacies (March 2020)
The IASC Social Sciences and Humanities Working Group (WG), together with IASC’s Cryosphere, Marine, and Terrestrial WGs, and the IASSA Working Group Gender (Gertrude Saxinger, J. Otto Habeck, Stephan Dudeck, Katariina Kyrölä) in the Arctic hosted a unique cross‐disciplinary workshop at Arctic Science Summit Week (ASSW) 2020 in March 2020, that brought together natural sciences, social sciences and humanities, to discuss and reflect on the gendered nature of Polar research. Find the program, info poster and photos from the workshop at www.iasc.info, and abstracts from the presentations at this link.
Making Gender Equality Plan A in the Arctic (September 2018)
Gender equality is key to sustainable development and the sustainable future of the Arctic. Not only is it a fundamental human right, but it is also a founding block of prosperous, peaceful, inclusive and resilient societies – both in the Arctic and elsewhere. Whether we are speaking about addressing the impacts of climate change, ensuring sustainable resource management, promoting economic growth, attaining food security or increasing the well-being of northern communities, women play a critical role. Still, most countries have not reached full gender parity. Read more at www.uarctic.org